Starcraft 2!

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting kinda excited about Starcraft 2. Weird part is that I was never huge into the original or any RTS game really. First time I actually played Starcraft was about a year ago (don’t kill me!).

I wonder what it is that draws me to this magical game. Is it the fact that the original is still being played even after almost 10 years? Is it because I’m buying into the hype? Who knows, but all I know is that when it does come out, I better have a computer powerful enough to handle it =)


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i totally agree... i also played starcraft 1 not long ago, bout 2-3 years

but from the start of sc1, i was totally addicted, beat the campaign, playing online, and to say for myself, i wasnt a bad player :D

when Blizzard annoujnced SC2 and i saw the cinematic (the one with the marine being "born", the chills went from my neck to my toes... i fell in love immedeatly :D

maybe ill cu online then eh? ;)

I'm gonna be scared to go online with this game. I have a feeling I wouldn't last five minutes =P
They say that you won't need a killer computer to run it. I'm betting a nice computer will help though.
Durka Durka's avatar

Durka Durka · 918 weeks ago

I've been playing WoW. And i know blizzard usually has some great stuff, but i'm not so sure as to how awesome the game is.
lol... I'm pretty excited too. I'm not going to lie though... I started playing video games to bug my boyfriend, who is a GAMER. Starcraft is my favorite, because - and I happily remember this - it was the first game I beat my boyfriend at!
Che Guevara's avatar

Che Guevara · 918 weeks ago

its gonna be hard to beat the original so i don't think im gonna get my hopes to high....

although diablo 2 is much better than diablo 1 so.. maybe we will get lucky....
I'm worried that starcraft 2 will be to starcraft as warcraft 3 was to warcraft 2.
It would be nice not to be disappointed by Starcraft 2, but with all this hype, it makes it near impossible to actually live up to it.

Hmm, maybe I should start playing Starcraft now so that when 2 comes out, I won't be terrible =)
Che Guevara's avatar

Che Guevara · 918 weeks ago

hahahaha true very true...

but i suck arse at it sooo....... i think i might start fresh when it comes out
MR viking what do you mean, I think WC2 is pretty good, but WC3 is awesommmeee, i still play that one, so if SC2 is to SC as WC3 was to WC2, we wont get dissapointed, except for the mass dota players T___T
I think Drew is far funnier than you, Justin. It takes very little talent to draw crapily and write unfunny things that involve two people.

P.S you suck

It takes zero talent to leave a ridiculous, unfounded, bashing comment on a blog. Grow up.

I'd much rather not have you as a fan.
Che Guevara's avatar

Che Guevara · 918 weeks ago

and Chris was told!

b/t make more drew!!!! i want to see 3 a day lolz
I hated warcraft 3. It had a lame story and it was more of an RPG than a strategy game. Apparently it gets better later in the game, but the first chapter was unbearable.

Lots of people disagree with me though... sigh.

I saw a video of the point-and-click adventure portion of starcraft 2 on raynor's ship. I'm losing hope!
Che Guevara's avatar

Che Guevara · 918 weeks ago

no i agreee it was only fun playing skermish!

although my computer class had som much fun playing this one mod where you where dragon ball z characters!!

fucking buu kicked arse with his many forms
ooh, Dragonball Z? NOW you're speaking my language.
Che Guevara's avatar

Che Guevara · 917 weeks ago

my god the best mod ever!

it was good against evil and the were heaps of npc to fight and everything!

and plus buu just fucking kicked arse once you ate goku

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